The Unity Guide to Healing

The Unity Guide to Healing
Adult Study
3 Sunday’s in September
Sept 15, 22, 29
9:00 to 9:35am

This study/discussion group led by Rev. Cherie is open to all adults who visit Unity of Auburn. We will be reading from: The Unity Guide to Healing.
This time is designed for us to come together to learn about Unity principles, share insights, and answer questions from the reading.

Each week a copy of the weekly reading will be made available in advance and on Sunday morning we will gather to discuss what we have read. It’s a wonderful opportunity to become more familiar with Unity’s deepest belief’s and to deepen your understanding of the healing power of Spirit within you.

Sept 15 Week 1 – The Spirit and the Life – What is the omnipresent principle of life and health that pervades all things? How do we contact this source of healing?

Sept 22 Week 2 –The Great Healer – Through his spiritualized mentality Jesus awakened the image of the perfect pattern of God-Mind within him. By arousing our souls’ energy to the extent that the physical becomes immersed in healing life, we too can enable perfect life to come into manifestation.

Sept 29 Week 3 – God’s Greatest Gift – With every thought there is a radiation of energy. The very substance that gives the body form and that nourishes and sustains it is ever responsive to the thoughts of life that are impressed upon it.