Weekly E-Blast

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Sunday Service In Person and Via YouTube Live Stream


This Sunday, March 23, 2025, we will be meeting in person and via YouTube Live for our 10 AM service. 


Join Rev. Cherie Larkin for "Doorways to God Consciousness 3 ~ Holy Communion - The Last Supper." Rev. Cherie will lead the meditation and the Worship Team Singers will lead the music portion of our service.


In the Last Supper Unity teaches that bread represents the divine substance and the wine represents divine life. We are to eat and drink of these to appropriate the substance and life of Christ through affirmative prayer. As we do, our consciousness is changed resulting in a lifting of the soul to a spiritual level. Communion may be entered into anytime we turn our attention to the Christ Presence and declare divine life and substance now active in us.  


You can join us on YouTube this Sunday beginning at 10:15 AM via the following link https://www.youtube.com/@UnityChurchofAuburnCalif-so7gm/streams


Many thanks to everyone who tunes in for our YouTube Live service. Our videos you can watch here.


We are especially grateful to everyone who responded to our request to make offerings via PayPal, mail in, credit card and bank transfer. Your generosity is inspiring. 


And we again affirm that there are no obstacles, only opportunities as we continue to manifest the abundance that will allow us to continue our mission and make our vision a reality.




March 30, April 13, 27, May 4, 18, 2025 --Gentle Movement & Meditation with Saige, sign up online now @ unityofauburn.com.


March 23rd, 5:00 pm -- Drum Circle


May 3rd, 11-1 pm -- New Member Orientation


The Thrift Stores normal hours of operation are Monday & Thursday 10-5, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10-3. The Thrift Store accepts donations during normal business hours.